Writing Education Into the Hands of One Million 826 Writers

Our strategic plan focuses on reaching more students by creating a more equitable access to writing education for more students, while inspiring and equipping others to do so as well.

Serve One Million Students

2% of all students in the U.S., through chapters, through teachers, and through partners.

Serve 35,000 Educators

through the work of chapters and 826 Digital.

Grow our annual revenue to $4M

to ensure our capacity meets our goals.

Pillars of Impact

826 University

We will codify the 826 Way, build training for the network and beyond, and maintain a cohesive vision that will allow us to continue to research for impact.

Individualized programming. For students and communities

826 Digital

We will expand the reach of writing education and the 826 Way through 826 Digital, empowering teachers and students to increase impact.

Sparking, supporting, training educators. For Educators

826 Partners

We will partner with community-based organizations to provide custom curriculum and training, delivering the 826 Way to more students in spaces where they spend time.

Scaling, customizing curriculum and training with community-based organizations. For students and partners

826 Voices

We will amplify students’ words and grow awareness through partners and publishing—both traditional and innovative.

Public understanding, partners, publications. For general public and education advocates and leaders.

Learn more in 826 National's FY23-26 strategic plan

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