Addressing the writing crisis
In the United States, only 25% of 12th graders and 10% of Black and Hispanic students write at grade level proficiency. We think that’s a tragedy. It’s also completely preventable.
Student Publishing
Today’s student writers are tomorrow’s leaders
At 826, success means giving every student an equal opportunity to build writing skills and publish their stories.

With 826, I learned the power of my voice.
Grade 9, 826 MSP
826 Tenets
Helping students find the creative spark
We work to improve equity and increase access to writing education—while making writing the best part of every student’s day.
Leading with a culture of creativity
Providing welcoming and brave spaces
Collaborating with communities
Producing diverse programs and curricula
Celebrating student voices
Giving students agency over their work
Offering individualized support
Treating students as leaders

16,000+ published students annually in over 2,000 books and products
Evidence-based excellence
We continually improve and refine 826 methodologies through internal and external research. Our annual report adds context to the growth and impact of our programs.