I will be a lifesaver

I will be the love my patients will feel

I will be the scalpel cut of the heart

I will be the smell of human flesh


I will be the creator of the cure for all cancers

I will be the hand that holds the heart

I will be the pressure on the chest if a patient goes into

cardiac arrest


I will be the pinch of a needle

I will be the stethoscope of the heart’s whispers

I will be the reflex of the hammer

I will be the otoscope of the whispers that have been told

I will be the ophthalmoscope for those who have walked

away from hard times


I will be the beep of the heart monitor

I will be the time of death

I will be the tears of those who have lost a loved one

I will be the grief

I will be the late hours


I will be the ICU

I will be the ER & OR but most importantly

I will be a lifesaver

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