826 National is thrilled to welcome 826 MSP (Minneapolis-St. Paul) and their young writers to the 826 Network!

Miles from the planet’s seas and amidst the infamously cold Minnesota winters, Mid-Continent Oceanographic Institute (MOI) was founded. A group of dedicated local educators and writers, inspired by the 826 model, created opportunities for local students to deep dive daily into creative writing, tutoring, and publishing.

Minnesota has one of the widest educational opportunity gaps in the country, with graduation rates for students of color that are 20-30% lower than their white peers. These disparities show up in the literacy gap, too: In 2017, Minnesota ranked 16th in the nation for fourth-grade reading proficiency overall, but Latinx and black students ranked 33rd and 37th, respectively. 

Mid-Continent Oceanographic Institute believed in writing as the key to sparking students’ interests in all subjects and closing the opportunity gap. So in 2011, MOI began working with 826 National to become a chapter in the 826 Network in order to tap into a national community of student writers, volunteers, educators, and leaders. After forging a promising path of growth and opening a beautiful youth writing center in Minneapolis in 2018, 826 National is proud to officially welcome MOI to the 826 Network as 826 MSP on August 26, 2019.  


With Boundaries, Without Borders from MOI-MSP on Vimeo.

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“MOI makes me feel powerful.
MOI makes my smile come out.
MOI helps me with my homework.
MOI helps me with my handwriting.
MOI gives me POWER.”

-Halima, grade 5, MOI/826 MSP


The young authors of Minneapolis/St. Paul bring new perspectives and identities to the 826 Network that enrich the collective narrative that our youth are writing nationwide. Whether it is short stories by Native and Indigenous students or poetry of immigrant students, the stories of Twin Cities students are an integral part of our national dialogue. And the thriving literary and cultural community of Minneapolis/St. Paul provides inspiration for and is dedicated to amplifying their words.

826 National is honored to be a part of bringing these voices to the fore. MOI will be celebrating 10 years of local programming at their writing and tutoring center as 826 MSP for the very first time on August 24, 2019 (two days before our beloved 8/26 Day!). Help celebrate 826 MSP as they dive into the 826 Network. Learn more info here

Welcome 826 MSP!


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Learn about 826 MSP’s Executive Director.


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