“Let this be our anthem, our unified plea / To create a world where every heart is truly free.”

Elsy M.E., Grade 11, 826 Valencia

In an election year fraught with uncertainty, 826 National is uplifting the voices of young people across the country in our newest anthology, Let This Be Our Anthem. This powerful collection features young writers, ages 8-18, raising the issues that matter most to them with the next president of the United States.

Let This Be Our Anthem offers insight into the minds of young people and acts as a rallying cry to the next president and to those going to the polls this November. In an introduction by the 826 National Student Advisory Board, a cohort of authors from across the 826 Network, ask:

“Some of us may be eighteen, some of us may be eight, but we ask that you consider our experiences before our age. Let this be our anthem.”

The seed for this anthology was planted last fall when we teamed up with writer, poet, and 826 Valencia alum Javier Zamora to create the prompt, Hear Me Out, inviting youth to share their voices with the future U.S. President. Hundreds of young writers from all over the country responded, submitting calls to action on topics ranging from LGBTQIA+ rights and immigration to making school more fun — and even a request for a cat! 

In a letter from Javier Zamora, addressing the young writers who bravely shared their experiences, he reflects:

In these pages, you will find courageous students who aren’t afraid to dream and demand a world that we do not yet have. I implore you to truly listen to what these young people, our future leaders, have to say.

The pages within are brimming with students’ hopes, fears, and dreams for the future of our country. We invite you to listen to their pleas and to carry their words with you this year and beyond.

Pick up Let This Be Our Anthem and see the world through their eyes.

Now available online, get Let This Be Our Anthem through our online bookstore. For a sneak peek at the issues students care about, check out the Let This Be Our Anthem digital collection. All proceeds from the publication directly support 826 National and young writers across the country.

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