After eight years with the 826 Network, our team is having to say “bon voyage”  to our Director of Development, Areesah Mobley.

Areesah came to us from 826DC, where she was the Director of Development for seven years and served as interim Executive Director, before coming to 826 National, where she served for the past year.

Learn more about Areesah’s favorite memory with 826 and what she’s going to miss the most below!

Q: What brought you to 826 National, and how long have you worked here?

I spent seven years as the Director of Development at 826DC, and was fortunate to spend this last couple of years with my dear friends and colleagues at 826 National to continue to support young writers and to help uplift their voices. Q: What’s one achievement you’ve made here that you’re particularly proud of?

I’m so pleased with this team that we’ve built! Our Communications Manager and Development Manager will keep this shop running efficiently to help to grow 826 National

‍Q: What is something you’re going to miss about 826 National and/or the Network?

The camaraderie with my coworkers at 826 National and across the 826 Network. There are so many people to share victories with and to learn from, and boundless creativity to keep you inspired.

Q: What advice do you have for interested candidates? What expectations should they have of this position (and working with 826 National in general)? 

Keep connected to the joy in this organization! This mission is so hopeful, you’ll be surrounded with the smartest colleagues, and will have the benefit of the insight and sweetness of young people’s words around you every day.

Q: What is your favorite memory here at 826 National?

I am a true nonprofit nerd—I really enjoyed the process of strategic planning with the team this year. I’m excited to watch this organization and network grow and to reach more students. I’ll definitely be watching this space and cheering everyone on.


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