InPEN America’s latest report on book censorship, they counted 874 different authors, 198 illustrators, and 9 translators to have been banned – many who have been banned multiple times in various districts.
Their research also discovered that many banned and challenged books focused on race, racism, sex, and LGBTQA+ identities. 40 percent of banned books included protagonists of color, and 33 percent of banned books contained LGBTQA+ characters and themes. Most of these books were written by the BIPOC and LGBTQA+ community.
Today, we’re want to thank these banned authors through ALA’s “Thank a Banned Author” letter writing campaign. We encourage you to join us and write to your favorite banned author. Share your words online with the hashtag #bannedbookweek and tag @826National and @UnitedAgainstBookBAns in your social media.
You can thank a banned author by sending them a postcard specially designed for Banned Books Week or tweeting your appreciation for them. Below are some tips from the American Library Association (ALA) on how to send your love online!
When tweeting to a banned or challenged author, or posting about it online, consider:
Including the hashtag #DearBannedAuthor. This allows the American Library Association to find and share your stories.
Discussing how the book impacted your life, made you feel, or your favorite quotes
Posting a photo of you reading the book or of your postcard
Blurring or covering up your own address or private information before sharing pictures of postcards.