826 National CEO Laura Brief spoke with reporter Lena Pringle about Amanda Gorman’s  role in the Super Bowl and the importance of ensuring spaces for young people to write and thrive exist around the country. 

‘“She’s made the world a brighter place for all of us. And she has made this work just shine in an even more powerful way. And she’s brought tremendous inspiration to so many children around this country,” said Laura Brief, CEO of 826 National.

Amanda Gorman, a household name after her inauguration performance, continues to shine her light with messages of positivity, hope, and unity.

On Super Bowl Sunday, she performed her new poem honoring three Americans for their work during the pandemic.

“She also sent a really important message about the importance of writing, the importance of youth voice, and the importance of arts education. And so, when I think about Amanda stepping onto the field at the super bowl and doing the same, I just think about how much that message will be even more amplified,” said Brief.

Read the full article here.

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